About Me

Summary Profile
Name: Gökhan Koçyiğit
Date of Birth: 31/07/1990
Mother tongue: Turkish

My past:

I was interested in computers when I started high school. Because of that, I went to technical high school's IT department. After graduation from high school, my only choice was CEIT departmant because of our system so, I'm studying at METU now.

Beliefs About Teaching and Learning

Question:How can be a desirable teacher?

My thoughts:From the students point of view, a desirable teacher should be fun. If a teacher just comes to class and teach his/her believes, this subject can be boring for students. The teacher should show something interesting about subject to students. They can just be interested in the subject in that way.

My future aims/intentions:I want to be a desired teacher in the future. Students should look forward to learn something from me.

Language Profile
Language: English
Listening: C1, Reading: B2, Spoken interaction: C1, Spoken production: C1, Writing: B2

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