22 Mayıs 2013 Çarşamba


In the TUR 104 class, our teacher wanted us to give a presentation. The subject of presentation was free to choose. I choosed "Rebuilt of İnönü Stadium". I choosed this topic because I had read lots of articles and newspaper posts about that so I thought that I knew the topic very well. When my turn came, I started my presentation. I prepared a powerpoint presentation. I did not include long sentences and boring information to that presentation. I put just inportant things. Before start, I introduce myself to my students. I tried to take their attention by giving outstanding information and examples about my topic. Furing my presentation, I tried to seem relaxed. At the end of the presentation, I gave some contact informationabout me like e-mail address and twitter username. Then, I asked to students whether they have any questions or not. They asked a few questions and I answered them. That was a good experience for me because the class was really crowded at that time.

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