23 Mayıs 2013 Perşembe


My research Question : How can we benefit from Instructional Technology (IT) in education ? Here is my research paper :

CTE 216 Research
Gökhan Koçyiğit
Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, Cyprus
Abstract.  In that research, I handle Information Technology generally. In details, my main subject will be information technology in education. In this point, I will try to mention how can we use IT in education, how can we benefit from it and what advantages do we have instead of using traditional teaching and textbooks.

1           Information Technology
1.1           A brief Information About Information Technology
We use “Information Technology” or “IT” to refer to entire industry. In reality, Information Technology means the use of computers and software to operate our information. Some companies use different words to refer Information Technology which are Management Information Services (or MIS) and Information Services (or IS).

1.2           Popular Information Technology skills
·     Computer Networking
·     Information Security
·     IT Governance
·     ITIL
·     Business Intelligence
·     Linux
·     Unix
·     Project Management

2           Information Technology in Education
From the past when computers and multimedia devices started to be more useful and popular until now, IT is becoming more and more important for education. The development of the new technologies has had really powerful effects on how people live, work, and play worldwide. The emerging technologies had changed traditional way of teaching and learning, and the way education is managed. Information Technology, not only has an important role on the area of study, but also has an essential role in curriculum area.
3           The Evolution of Information Technology in Education
3.1           Information Technology in Education in The Past
One thousand years ago, education was dominated by only the spoken word. History and traditions were transferred from one generation to next one just in the form of stories. Just few areas were able to read or write. Books were man-made and only available for the richest. Thereby, the invention of the printing press had a very important role in education. Forwhy, books became available for schools, teachers and students.
The modern reform in information technology started approximately thirty years ago with the common use of the small computers. During this time, supporters of information technology had experienced many achievements. Across the globe, computers are omnipresent in nearly a fashion. The internet and World Wide Web have changed the way of communication and made simple and complex communications available to millions of people.
3.2           Information Technology in Education Now
In the last few years, in Turkey, lots of schools gave tablet PC to their students. These tablets have the student’s books and text books in there. Thus, Information technology is directly connected with schools, teachers and students now in Turkey.
In Pakistan, government gave much more importance to information technology in education in the 2000’s. Lots of information technology educational institutes opened and IT professionals are hired to teach their knowledge at universities. Across the country IT seminars, forums, exhibitions and competitions are being ordered to create IT deliberativeness among the people. Computer as a subject has been introduced in schools.
3.3           Information Technology in Education in Future
Information technology is getting more and more popular all over the world. IT may take the place of the textbooks in schools. The benefits of this are important. One of them is connectivity. With technology, teachers and student can stay in contact after their school ours. Even nowadays, lots of teacher and student have smart phones and tablet PCs. Yet, this situation can be seen just universities and colleges. In the future, we probably will see public schools have a technology in the same way.
The other advantage is saving the nature. Climate is unfortunately getting worse day by day. Our forests are burned or cut by people. If information technology becomes more popular in worldwide, we can save much our nature because we will start to use technological devices rather than textbooks which are made from tree and wood.
After general use of information technology, instructors and learners can stay in touch each other. For example, if a learner has a question to ask his/her instructor, s/he doesn’t have to wait for school time to ask the question. At home or dormitory, they can connect each other with video conference and learner can ask the question. In the same way, instructor can explain face to face the explanation of the question. For all of these, information technology has to become more popular in usage.
4           Information Technology For Lifelong Learning
Education itself is a lifelong process therefore anytime and anywhere access to it is an essential need. At this point, information technology assumes a big role. There is lots of advantage of IT for lifelong learning process.
“Technology can make lifelong learning a reality” is in a nutshell presented the North American point of view. With electronic tools, everybody can learn anytime and anyplace they choose.
UNESCO’s “Policy Paper for Change and Development in Higher Education” forces higher education institutions to use advantages which are offered by the advancements of communication technologies so that "each university should become an open university offering possibilities for distance learning and learning in various points in time."


Web Sites:

·     Information Technology and Education – W.R. Muir (http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C11/E1-12-05-09.pdf)
·     Information Technology in Education: The Need for Skepticism – C. D. Maddux
·     Information Technology in Pakistan – Chapter 3

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